Want to reduce the attrition rate in company? To effectively do this it’s very important to know the reason behind why employees quit. Let’s analyse the major reasons based on age group. The reasons are categorized based on age group because the priorities and requirements of the employees varies based on his stage of life. The youngsters might leave the company for higher studies, higher pay, take a look at why good employees leave at younger age. While a middle aged person’s priority will be stability and family, check here to understand the reason behind Employee attrition at the middle age. When you reach the baby boomer’s stage your priority will be health and retirement benefits. Here are the top 10 reasons why employees quit the company at baby boomer’s stage.

 Reasons Why Employees Quit – Baby Boomers (Age 51 and above)


  • Unsatisfied with work culture

Change in work culture due to change in management or some other reason leads to agitation among employees. The rules might be brought by a younger management and this band feels very insecure and lack of discipline due to changes. Mainly adapting to new changes is little difficult for this band as they have been working in the previous structure for long time.

  • Reorganization or merger

Reorganization or merger with other companies and change in management affects this band the most. Especially for employees who has been working in the same company for a long time find it very difficult to adjust to new rules and policies laid by the new management.

  • No opportunity for further growth

At this stage opportunity for further growth is very limited and hence many resign seeking better opportunities.

  • Retirement

When employees reach this age they are mostly done with their financial commitments. Now they want to lead a relaxed and pressure free life hence, few employees retire when they reach this age.

  • Health issues

Health issues related to stress and age starts cropping up by this age and many resign to take care of themselves or family.

  • Long commute

Long travel to the workplace becomes quite difficult and is not preferred for employees of this category.

  • Schedule conflict

Late night calls and slogging after work hours is not preferred by employees.

  • Company downsized

Due to company downsizing the employees feel their position is at risk and try out in other companies.

  • Policies and procedure

Strict policies and procedures are difficult for the employees to adhere especially for employees of this age group.

  • Company Image.

Company Image is yet another reason for resignation in this age group. Before retirement they want to work in a well established firm.

The Company HR can further analyse why employees quit the company from employee perspective and take necessary action to improve the employee attrition rate  and address employee retention challenges.